Route of the Calatravos Castles II

Doña Berenguela Castle

Finca Casa de Pacas is about 500 mts Doña Berenguela Castle, the parade visit, excavations and the Donjon.

Accommodation in Casa de Pacas.

Calatravos Castles Route

Doña Berengaria Castle is located in the municipality of Bolaños de Calatrava, in the central region of the province of Ciudad Real, Almagro very near which is 3 kilometers.

Doña Berenguela Castle of Bolaños was probably built between the twelfth and thirteenth centuries. The first news that reference this castle date back 1229. Mrs. Alfonso, Mother of Fernando III el Santo, donated the castle to the Order of Calatrava, and Alfonso X the Wise subsequently confirmed this donation. The history of this castle is closely linked to that of the Order of Calatrava. It was the site of this Order, and its function was to defend the village of continuous attacks by Muslims. He remained in the hands of the Order until 1544, date was abandoned.

Doña Berenguela Castle

It is rectangular and was surrounded by a moat and a wall, currently gone. It has two towers, the Homage and call tower Prieta, and walls, like the Keep, are topped with battlements.

One of the most significant aspects of the building is the keep, located in one corner of the enclosure, and comprises five floors. The plant inferior es the mazmorra. La terrace is completed in pyramidal battlements. On its walls are opened vain newly manufactured but has retained its original form.

La Prieta tower is a mass structure rectangular, desmochada, themselves castellation, and which can hardly be seen or decorative elements openings. It consists of three floors and its dimensions are larger than those of the Keep. On the first floor is accessed by patio, and through the roof parapet.

The Cottage is located in the Campo de Calatrava, time solo 500 mts. of the Castle, fortification governed in their time by orders Sacro-Military, then we detail the main castles to visit located around our rural accommodation

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