Política medioambiental

Environmental policy in Farmhouse Casa de Pacas

The environment is everyone's. One of the tasks of the owners of Casa de Pacas is the respect and provide the means to that we and our customers are responsible and committed to the environment.

Inside the house is achieved by controlling energy systems for different foci are heating, air conditioning, firewood, electricity and water, In addition to controlling the operation of appliances and cleaning products used in.
The collection and treatment of waste is another factor to consider.
The means put for environmental monitoring at home are as follows:

  • Installation photovoltaic for the entire estate.
  • Lamps Led in long-stay areas, lampposts in gardens and pool area.
  • Automatic time control lamps in passageways.
  • detergents used low phosphate.
  • biodegradable cleaning products are used.
  • Cisternas water baths double-click to reduccir the water consumption.
  • Appliances systems “Eco”.
  • Temperature control of the house with thermostats.
  • Container shed used batteries.
  • Separation of organic waste, glass, and paper or cardboard containers.
  • Printer paper for different document management Cottage is “recycled paper”.

In the house you can find a manual of good practices for the client to consider during your stay.